Friday, August 7, 2009

My first real world apartment!

I have put in a deposit for my first real life apartment. This also means I've found myself a roommate (in itself, a rather frustrating and stressful process). Yes, it's somewhat official, I'm moving to Minneapolis!

About the roommate: His name is Tyler. So far he sounds like a wet dream of a roommate. I haven't met his met, but I've had a rudimentary background check done by talking to a mutual friend on Facebook. He builds things out of wood- he's a carpenter of sorts, though officially he works at an advertising agency. He also likes to go dumpster diving for things he can fix up and he even decoupages!! He's laid back and funny and likes "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". He also gave me full control of decorating the common area. Yay!

About the apartment: Dirt cheap. Great location. I would have to share a bathroom with Tyler (should be a "learning experience" if nothing else), but basically the bathroom is what makes the apartment $300 less than the same apartment in the same building with the same amenities. So, I bit the bullet and signed up for it.

The big room to left would be my room. Yes, that is a fantastically large size and not only will I be able to fit my big bed, but I could probably also fit a small couch, desk, and dressing area. I could technically fit two rooms in there if I really wanted to. Additionally, I can apparently get to have the hallway closet too. Woohoo! I'll be paying slightly more for the bigger room, access to bathroom, and hallway closet, but it's nothing to break the bank and TOTALLY worth it. Also, the kitchen has been renovated recently so the appliances are basically new.

So, for $525/month for me, I'll get that giant room, an indoor pool, gym, hottub, sauna, basketball court, tennis court, and heat and A/C paid for.
At a time when quite a few of my good friends are buying their first house (flat in the case of my friend Rob in London), this may not seem as big of a deal, but I'm VERY excited!

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