Sunday, August 30, 2009

First semi-creepy email

From a dude named Bjorn. Sounds too much like Bjork for me to be able to take him seriously:

Hey there fa5u,

I emailed you a week or so ago but I haven't
heard anything back yet....

I thought perhaps you met a really nice gentleman that's about 35 years old and has a thick beard, which he has braided into three parts. :) Or, maybe you were abducted by killer robots?

Well I figured I'd email you one last time.

After I read your profile I got the impression that
you seemed like you were a cool chick (Could
I be wrong?)

If you're looking to meet someone then I
think it would be really foolish for both of
us if we never spoke at least ONE time.

For someone who claims to like adventure like you do, realize that I'm 26 years old, travel more than anyone my age that I know, and give a really ridiculous back rub (you have to get on my good side for that part though).

If you are interested, let's meet for a drink this week...perhaps Wednesday? :)


The nicest response I could come up with on the fly:


Sorry I haven't responded to you. I'm not actually in Minnesota yet - I'm moving there in a few weeks. You seem very self-confident, and that's great, but I like guys who are slightly less confident and forward.

Good luck with!

I join Hilarity ensues.

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