Monday, August 31, 2009

Do we all have types?

There came a point my senior year of college when I realized that I had "a type". This was quite the shocker since before college, actually since before I transferred to the college I ended up graduating from, I had dated a white guy, a guy from Asia (technically Indian subcontinent), and a guy from the Caribbean (hispanic though technically). I think that's more races than most people date in a lifetime.

I'm not sure what happened then. I started attending a university where the white people live on one side of campus (near the social scene and bars) and the minorities live on another side of campus (near classes). I'm not being racist or over-generalizing here, that's just the way things were. I ended up with the white people.

Two years later, I realized that the last three guys I had seriously dated had been between 6'1 and 6'2, 165 - 175 lbs, brown hair, green eyes. When I realized this, I freaked out. So, the next two guys I liked "turned out to be" 5'10. The only guy I've dated since the realization was also fatter. Yay for branching out. Since then I've also given a middle-eastern guy a try (yes, the men in my life is like a United Colors of Benetton ad)

Now that I'm trying this "online dating website" thing, I am wondering how closely I should stick to my type. I like to say that I know what I'm looking for, and I think I do. But, clearly, my "type" hasn't worked out in the past. I almost want to give blondes, chubsters, and other larger dudes with tattoos and facial hair a chance...but the econ major in me makes me think that might be inefficient. I'm still trying to figure it out.

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