Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Forehead Kiss

As I was telling my friend Sam, I spent all day googling "What do forehead kisses mean" because a certain guy a friend of mine thinks is in love with me was dancing with me while giving me a lot of kisses on the forehead and the cheeks. I assumed the way he treated me was the way he treated any other friend and the way that anyone treated their platonic friend of 6 years.

Google yielded the following:

Apparently it means anything from

I'm madly in love with you


I am very fond of you


I see you as a good friend

So, as you can see, I am as confused as ever, except that I know that said boy does care for me.

I thought back to my own life and realized that the only people who have done that (there haven't been many) were either boyfriends or ex-boyfriends.

What do you guys think? What is the meaning behind the elusive kiss on the forehead?

1 comment:

  1. it's nurturing!

    it means it's a deep connection! if he had only eros for you/lustin he'd want to make out or make a move... but he has AGAPE for you. :) google that.
