Thursday, March 11, 2010


I just got back from 4 nights in Cancun with the family.


Worst Pickup Line from Cancun:
Douchey Guy: "I go to Law Seton Hall"
Me: wonders why I judge men instantly by the caliber of their law school but choosing to ignore that and give him a chance "Oh, they have a good basketball program, right"
Douchey Guy: Ignores my question "I'm going to be very rich."

Seton Hall is a third-tier law school. He won't be making that much money. He has no knowledge of college basketball. And he feels the need to use potential money he may be making in a recession year as a pickup line. Oh, and as BChan pointed out, he's from New Jersey.

Best Pickup Line from Cancun:
Guy: "You are gorgeous"

Did I mention this was in a British accent and made me giggle like a 16 year old girl?! He was hot. He kept telling me that he was from Pennsylvania and I drunkenly kept arguing with him that he couldn't be from Pennsylvania, not with that accent. After lots of drunk arguing back and forth it turned out that, yes, he WAS from Pennsylvania but studying at Penn State there, and the number he gave me did not require a 1 before dialing, or two 1s before dialing, because it was a Pennsylvania number, NOT a Mexico number. I'm fairly sure he got me to memorize his number while completely intoxicated. No phone. No pen or paper.

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