Monday, February 8, 2010

WHO DAT Say They Gon Beat Them Saints?!!

No One.

We Are the Champions

Saints are the Super Bowl Champions 2010. Who could have predicted I would use all those words in the same sentence until that win last night. That decisive, controversy-less, NON-Field Goal win.

For a moment I remembered the loss in 2006 to the Chicago Bears in the NFC championship. We were so close. Everyone felt victory being within fingers grasp. I read an article on espn a week later about the team and the city that made me cry. It was about those who had lost their home after the hurricane and got their hope from watching the Saints play. It was about Katrina. It was about New Orleans. It was about everything we had all gone through evacuating months ago.
It was beautiful.

This is why last night was redemption. Last night we made the nation BELIEVE in New Orleans, believe that we would make a come back.

New Orleans Always Believed. This is for everyone who evacuated in 2005. For everyone who came back. For everyone who went to New Orleans, fell in love, and never recovered their heart.

I believe.
I believe in Who Dat Nation. I believe in New Orleans. I believe in the Saints.

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