Monday, April 5, 2010

First Day at New Job

me: so, today in a meeting with the managing director (head honcho) and EVERYONE in our section (40 people) this girl was talking about how she came back to the floor (division) after a short stint somewhere else
now as a support position
the MD goes "you just cant stay away from us can you?"
girl: "nope, just like crack"
Beth: oh wow
me: or "its like crack"
it was so innapropriate
but people laughed
MD laughed
Beth: that's good
me: but she wasnt immediately fired
Beth: yay!
me: also
my mentor has like 2 things on his desk/in his office
this is one
Beth: ?
Coors Light?
me: oh yes
unopened/full can
Beth: >
me: oh, in the 5 other desks I saw
Beth: I'm confused
me: Corona beer
Beth: yeah
me: not sure the relevance
Beth: I'm confused
me: or appropriateness
Beth: that doesn't seem very professional
me: but of the 8 desks I saw, 2 beers.
already got invited to a bar crawl
at 10 am Saturday
these kids know how to party
my mentor won 12 rounds of beerpong this weekend
also, people take their cell phones to meetings
no heels, all flats
and I heard about 4 curse words today
Sent at 10:59 PM on Monday

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