Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The "Douche- Pheromone"

I'm done with Or that's what I thought. Now that I'm almost at the end of my free trial, a cute guy winked at me. The last 4 winks (the equivalent of a Facebook poke) have been from men who are over 30 (47, 34, 47, and 42 years old respectively), some divorced, mostly old and creepy.

So, cute guy winks at me, and I think I have 16 minutes (until my free trial runs out) to send him an email explaining that I don't live in MN yet, that I think he's cute, and give him a good reason to show me around town because I'm new. I have no good reasons so I just ask if he'd want to do that and leave my email.

I go back to actually take a look at his profile (yes, I wanted to hang out with him based simply on his pictures -- though I did let him slide for being shorter than my usual type--I think that makes me only semi-shallow and certainly improving). I think I'd picked up that he did some type of banking just based on his one picture and the use of the word "rich portfolio of experiences".

For some reason any use of the word portfolio is sexy to me. Then again so are the words "800 SAT math score". I feel that most girls go with words such as "gentleman" "work out often" and "romantic".

For some reason I think the word romantic = pussy. My best friend said that although I pretend like I want romance (e.g. showing up to my apartment and finding it covered in rose petals and candles), what I really want is to show up to my apartment and find my guy there holding a drink for me with the TV already tuned in to watch the game.

Back to what I call the Douche-Pheromone. This is specifically about the investment banker douche- not the Jersey trash douche. I believe you can spot an investment banker from a mile away.

What exactly is the Douche-Pheromone? it is technically a scent, but highlighted in their appearance as well. Button-down shirt, expensive jeans, sportscoat on top, perfectly placed hair, and confidently smug smile. I'm attracted to that confidence, that suave...that thing that every other girl wants too. These guys have women falling all over themselves trying to get with them, and therefore never want to choose, settle down, be loyal, or not be a douchebag in general.

The new guy seems to have some promise though. He started out by calling me "Reina" because I wouldn't give him my real name. The cuteness was of course a turnoff. We ended up having a good conversation. I found out he works in ecommerce, so not even close to banking. He seemed nice. And put together. And good looking. Here's to hoping I wasn't just attracted to his secret "Douche-Pheromone".

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